WSJを真面目に読む July 25, 2012





Tech giants’ patents go on trial

Samsung Electronics Co. recently leapfrogged Apple Inc. as the world’s largest seller of smartphones.

In Silicon Valley, patents go on trial

Also on trial: A judge’s worldview

Apple will argue that Samsung got to the top by copying Apple. Samsung will likely say Apple’s designs are not as unique as the company says.

What’s on the line

A jury’s decision in the pending case between Apple and Samsung could shape the future of mobile devices and technology patents. What to watch should the dispute go to trial as expected next week:

/ Keeping it simple: Can the two lead attorneys in the case keep things simple enough to persuade a jury?

/ What had it first?: Apple claims Samsung ripped off patents on Apple’s designs. Samsung says Apple’s patents are bogus because others actually beat Apple to many of its ideas.

/ Who pays what?: Will either company be ordered to take products off the shelf?

/ Next effects: A final judgment could spur settlements between sparring technology companies around the world.

Wanted: Temp attorneys with language skills

leapfrog: 飛び越す

bogus: インチキ

spar: 言い争う、喧嘩する





Banks step up job cuts in Asia

Global investment banks are ramping up their job cuts in Asia as the slowing economy, weak trading and stiff competition undercut the growth expectations they had for the region.

ramp up: 増やす



ここで言及されているのは、Credit Suisse Group, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Goldman Sacks, Morgan Stanley. 日本の金融機関は間隙をぬって事業を拡大する機会と思われるが上手くいくかな―。



The Yankees provides Ichiro with a last shot at a ring



With the surprising trade of Ichiro Suzuki to New York Yankees, the first Japanese position player to make the jump to the Major Leagues now has a shot at filling the one hole on his likely Hall of Fame resume: the lack of a World Series tittle.




How tables have turned: Japan’s debt as safe bet





